Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alazay Part 1

The wind blew, whistling like a tea kettle. The noise was unsettling to Alazay as she crept down the dark hallway. The old house creaked mournfully even under her slight weight. Cobwebs dotted the corners of the crumbling walls. Alazay thought she saw the miniscule eyes of a spider watching her. She tiptoed down the stairs, every creak and wheeze sounding like explosions in the night.
"Wind, oh wind, why must you howl so?" she whispered. Her hand reached the front door knob. Suddenly she felt an icy hand upon her shoulder. She froze as a chilling shiver ran through her body.
"You can't leave" a voice whispered, but the hand released.
Alazay mustered up every ounce of courage she contained. She turned around slowly. Through the moonlight she could make out the pale face of a young boy. He was taller than she and quite skinny. She quessed he could not be more than 16 years old.
The boy spoke:
"I'm sorry if I scared you. You can't leave me here. Please, take me with you."
"I didn't know there were others; how did you get here?"
"Bad luck?"
"Alright, I don't have time for this...let's go."
She opened the door and they walked outside. The wind tore at her dress and once again she felt a shiver. She remembered when she had first been brought to this ghostly old house.
They had found her huddled in an alley way in the city. She had been making a small fire in a trash can and so hadn't seen them coming. They knew things about her, knew she had powers. She tried to fight them off when they attacked her but there had been too many. First she had been brought to a clinical testing center. The memories of that place were painful to remember. Then when they were finished she was sent off to this delapadated house, she supposed for "safe keeping".
"You okay? We'd better go, they might come looking for us" said the boy.
His words broke her trance. She shook her head.
"Yes, I'm fine. Come, I know where to go."
She knew of a cave where they could spend the night. From that cave, where they would go, she did not know. They crept through the dark woods, finally reaching the cave after about 3 hours. She knew there was an actual city somewhere south, maybe 3 miles...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Murder on the grand piano

Vivian had always known she would be a star someday. The glitz and glamor, the adoration from millions of fans. The only problem was there were others who were more talented one was that wretched man Van Stade. He shouldn't have been a talented man. He was incredibly ugly and came from a low class family. He also was wicked, Vivian suspected him of theft and shady dealings. Everytime he looked at her she grew afraid. His eyes were shifty and his face dark and mysterious. He shouldn't have the glory it should be her!

Vivian Fletchett was not only jealous though she had a reason. Vivian had recently composed a short symphony, it was beautiful and those who heard it were moved with emotion. Her best work and her agent said it could further her career, she could be famous! Before she could have it published though it had been stolen right underneath her nose.

The day of the concert she heard her symphony being played. Startled, she looked to see who it was. It was none other than Gilbert Van Stade! Enraged she ran from the room and started to produce some dastardly plans.

(Now it had been said that Vivian Fletchett was not entirely sane, these next moments may prove the fact.)

She had pulled out the Batrachotoxin, which is a type of poison. Just then her husband Samuel walked in the room. "What? Vivian what are you doing?!" For it had been him who had bought the poison. He himself was fascinated with animals, especially amphibeans. "I'm ending Gibert Van Stade once and for all!" she said, her face revealing her madness. "But, dear! Think of the consquences. Surely you would not do such a wicked thing!" he whispered as he pulled her into her dressing room. Samuel Fletchett was always concerned with his image, always wanting a certain image. Surely this was not a conversation he should be having in public!

"Tell me, Vivian what has driven you to think so abomindably!" he took by the shoulders strongly. "He has stolen my spymphony!" she screamed her eyes filled with rage and unbridled hate. "You can't just kill someone so boldly though! It must be discreet, a crime no one will ever discover." said Samuel as he put up his hand and asked to think. He had never liked that Gilbert Van Stade either but was he willing to risk his neck and perform a murder with his practically insane wife? Samuel had a great mind though and tried to think of a way that not only be sneaky but could go undetected. He decided to use the Batrachotoxin.

"Vivian, listen now. I will tell you what you must do." he said assured that he had thought of the perfect murder.

"When Van Stade is done practicing you must go. Put the poison upon the exact keys he will play. This is a special poison which will evaporate in time. Van Stade will consume the poison and no one will ever be able to find the traces."

Vivian did what she was told and when it was time for the concert to begin she had composed herself and was looking as beautiful as ever. When Gibert Van Stade was found dead after performing she could barely keep her face in a state of mourning. She had finally done it. She had killed Gilbert Van Stade.

Samuel rushed tp find his wife, she was the only weak link in this mastermind plan. "Confound that woman!" he thought for he couldn't see her anywhere. Vivian was in the kitchen. She had remembered that she had not gotten rid of all the poison. There wasn't much left just a drop or two... "I know! I'll just slip some in the flour. Sam'll just bring it home. I'll warn him first so he doesn't eat it, but the police'll never look there!" (You see, not only was Vivian short a few marbles she always wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. ;)

"Vivian! What in blue blazes are you doing?!" said Samuel as he caught his wife in the kitchen. "Do you not understand what we have just done?! How can you be hungry?" He said his face red from emotion. "Oh you know dear. It's all worked out. I will become the greatest pianist there ever was." said she her voice calm and somewhat dreamy. "Come Vivian we must leave." you could sense the finality in his voice. Vivian grabbed his outstretched arm and they departed from the kitchen.

"Excuse me officer but we must be going. My wife is ill from the events partaken of tonight." said Samuel Fletchett. "Alright sir." said the all too trusting police officer.

When they were seated in the car Samuel spoke first. "Now listen I have reserved us tickets to leave tommorow morning at 9am for Switzerland. You are not to speak to ANYONE until then. Do you understand?"

"Well yes, Sammy." said Vivian soft as a child after he had been reprimanded. They arrived home and started to get ready for bed when there was a knock at the door. Both Fletchetts jumped. "I'll get it yu stay here and don't say a word." his eyes glared at her. Samuel answered the door to find two police officers standing there.

"Samuel and Vivian Fletcher the gig is up. You are hereby charged with the murder of Gilbert Van Stade." said the officer with blonde hair obviously the older of the two.

"Officers I'm afraid you must be joking my wife and I have done nothing of the sort." said Samuel his voice steady.

"I'm afraid not.We have a surmountable amount of evidence against both you and your wife." said the brown haired one.

"Well maybe it wasn't the perfect murder after all." he thought. "Vivian call our lawyer."

Monday, January 17, 2011

sléibhe part 1

Bill and Maureen gazed out the window at the vast gray mountains before them. A tear rolled down Maureen's cheek as she saw a carriage drive away.She knew that inside the carriage was her mother. Soldiers had come and taken her mother by force into their carriage.Bill and Maureen's mother had saw them coming and made sure her children were hidden in the attic. Their mother had bravely let herself be taken by the soldiers.Bill put his arm around his frail12-year old sister. Bill was 14, almost a man. "Don't cry Maureen, we'll get her back..."
To Be Continued...

Saturday, January 8, 2011


“Mom, are you okay in there?” Matt knocked on the door.

He had heard some noises in the bathroom but wasn’t sure he was meant to have heard them. Really all he had heard was “What am I going to do” and a bump.

“Sorry hun, I’m fine.” His mother’s muffled reply came.

“Mom, I’m going to Louie’s house. I’ll see you later. Good luck job searching. I love you Mom; we’ll get through this.”

“Alright son”

“He’s so full of confidence. Too young and naïve to realize what a cold harsh world this is.” She thought.

She dragged herself up and pulled on some professional-looking clothes hanging up in the bathroom. Today marked a new beginning to her. She was starting over.

*Ring* *Vibrate* *Ring*; her cell phone was ringing. Who would be calling her? She picked it up after the 3rd ring.

“Hello?” she said into the speaker.

“Fran, it’s me George. Before you hang up, listen.”

“I’m listening, please be quick.”

“I need you to fly with me to Los Angeles; it’s about our divorce.”

“What? I don’t have the money to do that now. Why would I need to go anyway?!” She said; why was her soon to be ex-husband trying to get her to fly across the states?

“Don’t worry about the cost. I got it covered. Please, it’s really important. We wouldn’t be gone more than 3 days.”

“We better not.” She bit out. “Who’s going to stay with Matt and Rachel?”

“Well, we could take them with us or they could stay at their grandparents.”

“I don’t know George” was all she said as she hung up the phone.

Fran wasn’t sure if she was hurt or angry at what he had done with her. When she had first found out she just went to bed and cried for hours. She didn’t want to lose George as she loved him and still did to this day. Could you forgive someone who betrayed you? Even after she confronted him he still carried on with his affair. No one should blame her for leaving him but they still would. She was sure George would come up with an excuse and probably say she was insane. All her friends would probably listen to him and leave her too.

George hadn’t always been like this though. They had met in college and married after only 6 months of dating. They had really loved each other. Fran wanted to be a teacher and George was going for business. Fran dropped out of college after they married so they could save money. She also got pregnant with Rachel 6 months after they were married. George was always so thoughtful; he would bring her flowers when he knew she had a bad day. He would watch Rachel so she could go out with girlfriends and always let her choose what they watched. But then he began working at Polytech; the company he still worked for. He became obsessed with money and power. He was making lots of money now for the company and for himself. Matt had been 3 when he started acting this way and so he never really knew his father well. Rachel had always been his favorite.

If only she had convinced him not to work at Polytech. Maybe things would be different, but it was too late now.

“Maybe I should go with him…I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything…What do I have to lose anyway?” She thought.

Fran searched on her cell phone for George’s number. Soon the call went through and she heard his voice on the other end. Fran said just a two words. “I’ll come.”

Rachel woke up to the sun on her face.

“I just had a nightmare…weird. Mom and Dad were getting a divorce and then Mom took Matt and left…and Dad had multiple affairs…”

Rachel was disconcerted. Was it a dream or real life? To check, she ran from her room to Matt’s.

“Matty!” she called, using her childhood nickname for him.

She opened the door. The room was completely bare, save for some furniture. Matt usually had posters on the wall of his favorite bands…They were gone and so was the bed’s comforter and sheets.

“Maybe he just doesn’t like those bands anymore and Mom’s washing the sheets.” She thought, trying to persuade herself.

She went over to Matt’s dresser and pulled out a drawer. It was completely empty.

“No…no…NO! It couldn’t have been real! It couldn’t!” Rachel collapsed on her brother’s rug.

“Rachel! What’s wrong?” Her father burst in the room, having heard Rachel’s screams.

“Why did you do that to Mom? Why did you cheat on her?! Tell me!” Rachel was to the point of hysterics.

“Rachel, calm down. You have to keep yourself together!” He said, taking her gently by the shoulders.

Rachel sniffed and wiped her eyes. She glanced up at her father with tearful eyes.

“Why Daddy why?” She whispered, her lip quivering.

Her words were like a slap in the face to George. Slowly he got up and left the room.

Rachel’s words played in his head like a broken record.

“Why Daddy why?”

He pictured all the memories of Rachel and Matt growing up. He had failed them miserably. He didn’t deserve to be called their father. Why didn’t he stop himself? Why had he let himself give into temptation?